Portraits // HASANI

During my time in school, I had the opportunity to undertake an assignment centered around environmental portraiture. Given that my husband is a personal trainer, I saw this as the perfect chance to collaborate and create something within a gym setting. Our chosen location was a garage-style gym, which provided a unique backdrop for our shoot.

To bring my vision to life, I employed the use of smoke and strategically positioned strobes to paint the image with light. As the shoot progressed and I was sure I captured the shot I needed, we decided to delve deeper into experimentation. I embarked on a multi-composite project, capturing different shots of Hasani in various areas of the gym. Additionally, I embraced the concept of a cinemagraph—a blend of photography and subtle motion—further expanding the creative possibilities.

Although there are aspects I would refine in hindsight, this project served as an invaluable learning experience. It allowed me to explore new techniques, experiment with lighting, and push the boundaries of my artistic capabilities.

As I continue to evolve and refine my craft, I am grateful for the opportunities to challenge myself and push the boundaries of creativity. Every project, including this one, serves as a stepping stone toward realizing my artistic vision.

MODEL: Hasani


Portraits // JOHN


Portraits // CHEMAR